i see the blue car drive

by Engel Darden

                    I see the blue car drive

up the street with it’s high beams

                    Illuminating the crisp dark air and on the other

side two girls stumble along the endless moving sidewalk

                    towards the shiny starry house that roars from

the insecure masculine crows of boys who beckon their prey

                    with kind faces and filled red cups

the car honks and a man leans out and howls to the girls he

                    howls in lust he howls in agony he howls in the

lip-smacking anticipation of a raw meal and the girls croon

                    back and they enter the house and the pure

white snowflakes of the early morning’s snow thaw in the heat

                    of the sun rays and the guys do the blow and the

girls blow and a freshman pukes for the first time a virgin of

                    alcohol’s apathetic touch the girls leave early in

the morning and go home feeling empty I end at my doorway

                    in the cool night

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