Music Monday: Penguin Cafe Orchestra

by Matt Goold


Penguin Cafe Orchestra was an instrumental band who pumped out some folky and ethnic jams in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. They had some tinges of classical music stringing everything together, but with mostly folky instrumentation, their compositions became a pretty funky hybrid of those things. In that regard, the music sounds pretty timeless. Not knowing the history, you could assume the music was from the 60s just as easily as you’d believe it to be a 2012 leak or anywhere in between. Now, that doesn’t automatically make something good, although this is, but it’s always very impressive good or bad. Even in their most minimalist moments, Penguin Cafe Orchestra sounds rich. Lots of great texture and feel to their sound, which I’m sure will last them well into the future continuing to stay relevant and important.

Matt Goold is a graphic designer proudly living and working in the New Jersey/Philadelphia area. He likes going camping, watching baseball, and eating ice cream. For more examples of his work go here and here.

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